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FictionalReality-MAGAZINE-04, Fictional Reality Gaming -Magazine

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Holy cow! One year ago I was working on the
final touches of the first issue of FR. Well, one
year later we’re still around and thanks to all of
you (readers, writers, and advertisers) I’m still
pumped about doing this. I really appreciate all of
the compliments and suggestions that I have
received over the past year.
Battle Report: Confrontation
Devout vs. House Helios Elves
Contest #1
Game Reviews
Noble Armada
OK, on to this issue. You’ll notice that Xavier and
the Slave Pit are missing. He had more pressing
issues to deal with and I’ll be the first to say that
there are many things more important than this.
He should be back soon with more of his insights
into conversions. We do have a new feature with
Standing Orders. Deano C. Ware will be bringing
us regular profiles of games that you may or may
not have heard of. These profiles will be Deano
laying the smackdown on games that deserve it
and bestowing praise on those that rise above.
This will all be according to Deano of course, so if
you have a differing opinion please e-mail it to me
and it will be published in the next issue.
Larry Leadhead
New Unit: The T.A.V. for
Warhammer 40K
Standing Orders
Miniature Reviews
Jeff Valent Studios
Wizards of the Coast
A load of figure reviews and a new battle report
are also inside. Before anyone freaks out about
the lack of a Confrontation battle report in this
issue it will be back next issue, but it was time to
give space to another one of my fave’s;
eM-4 Miniatures
Tactical Manual:
Gobelins in Confrontation
Contest #2
Speaking of Chronopia it looks like Excelsior has
started to move forward with not just Warzone and
Chronopia, but also with a line of fantasy figs out
of Spain with Dragon Rune miniatures. I wish
them all of the luck in the world in their efforts to
revitalize some great games.
Great Canadian Miniatures
IFC, 30
New Wave Entertainment
23, 37
17, 27
“Keep on rollin’ baby!”
Talon Games
As always, I make no claim to anyone’s copyright
and if I fail to mention that you own something
please don't take it as me challenging your
ownership. I simply forgot and will quickly get to
the business of flogging myself unmercifully.
Mastabas V
13, 31
Brigade Games
Since we gave Warhammer Fantasy Battle a go in
the last issue I decided to play another fantasy
game this time around. I’ve played, and loved,
Chronopia since it came out and am really hoping
that Excelsior is able to bring this wonderful game
back in a major way.
On game day, before Christopher and I broke out
any miniatures we took care of setting up the
terrain. In addition to the guidelines previously
talked about we also decided that a player could
designate one of the squares to be empty as his
choice for terrain.
I developed kind of a bad habit with Chronopia
that I’m sure many of you can understand and
sympathize with. At one time or another I’ve
collected and/or played just about every
army/race in the game. The only ones I ever
really stayed away from were the elves.
The result of terrain placement can be seen
below. Out of sixteen squares seven were left
bare. There were four hill sections of varying
levels, a small house next to an inn, a wizard’s
tower, a section of rocky outcroppings and several
sections of crumbling walls.
I have dabbled in Swamp Goblins, Blackbloods,
and the Stygian, but eventually traded off models
from those armies to swell the ranks of others.
Right now I have rather sizable Dwarf, Firstborn,
Sons of Kronos and Devout armies. I would be
hard pressed to pick a single favorite
from out of those four. I’ve decided
to go with the shambling fiends from
the pit, the Devout for this game.
This was a very interesting way to set up terrain,
especially not knowing your opponent’s army. I
had to work to exploit my strengths without
unwittingly helping Christopher.
I bounced the idea of a 1,000-point
game of Chronopia off of Christopher
and he jumped at the chance to play.
We agreed to play on a 4’ x 4’ table
and the game would last for 6 turns.
We also agreed that we’d keep our
army selection secret until we were
about to play. So, Chris would not
know that I brought my bags o’ bones
and I wouldn’t know who he’d be
bringing to the party. Terrain set-up
would be handled by both of us
before doing anything else on the
day of the game. The table would be
divided up into sixteen 1’ x 1’ squares
and we would take tuns placing
either a single terrain feature or
nothing in the square. Things like a
river section, woods, single or multi-
level hills, or 1-2 houses would count
as a single feature.
They are left with two choices; try to break off and
move away or stand there and get pounded. I
have had times where the latter was the better
choice, especially if it meant that some other
troops were kept out of harms way or could get
the benefit of charging in themselves instead of
receiving a charge. Deciding to go whole hog with
Risen I took three warbands of Human Risen
Swordsmen and three warbands of Elven Risen
Archers. Two of the Swordsmen warbands would
be 9 skeletons strong and one would have 8
members. Each of the Archer warbands would
contain 8 skeletons. With 50 troops I’m positive
that I’ve already outnumbered Chris, unless he
does something like take nothing but Elven Militia
or Goblin Spearmen. Oh my, how many of those
crap troops can he throw against my crap troops?
Wave after wave of the inept fighting the decayed.
I’ve got a couple of options with the Devout. I can
go heavy into the human-ish troops like Devout
Swordsmen and Blood Hunters (the fastest
cavalry in the game by the way), I can go heavy
on demon troops like Dusk Realm Warriors,
Tormented, and the Damned, load up on Risen
(skeletons) or try a combination of everything. For
non-Chronopia players out there a quick (very
quick and not 100% accurate) way to describe the
Devout is to compare them to a hybrid of Undead
and Daemon armies in Warhammer Fantasy
Battle. That might be a bit overly simplistic, but at
least it gives you an idea.
I’ll be going with just two Individuals in this game.
The first one is pretty much a given in the form of
a Necromancer. He has access to spells that can
increase the number of actions a Risen warband
can perform and can also summon more dead
guys to play with. So, with both of those
objectives in mind I’ll buy him
Quicken Undead
Summon Undead Knight
. I thought of taking
Summon Greater Undead
instead, but if I ever got
that spell off I would have to wait until the giant
skeleton was dead (or let him run amok) to
attempt to summon another one. The Undead
Knights are a wee bit less powerful in close
combat, but they are far faster.
I’m going to go with a MAJOR load of quantity
with a minor sprinkling of quality for this battle.
That means loads and loads of Risen troops and
a few powerful Individuals. Risen troops have
some major bonuses, but also some negatives
that can prove to be quite debilitating. On the plus
side they are immune to Panic and Fear “Hey,
Bob just died…..again. Oh well.” which means
they just keep coming. They are also immune to
arrows and crossbow bolts. This means that any
missile troops that Chris takes will now have to
rely on close combat skills or act as human
(dwarf, orc, goblin, elf, whatever) shields. This
sounds great until you find out that Risen troops
get half as many actions as normal troops and
that they are not exactly combat machines.
Especially the Risen Archers who have no hand-
to-hand weapon at all. If caught in close combat
My second Individual will be a Soulflayer. This
female(?) demon is just bad all day long. It can
fly, breathe fire, is tough as nails, and will just
chop up her enemies like hamburger in close
combat. Now, being that bad she will certainly
draw lots of attention from the other side so
keeping her safe, and at a high altitude until
needed, will be very important indeed. I’ve
thought of adding a second Soulflayer to my
hoard of Devout troops. I have also thought of
painting up the second one like a dominatrix, but
my wife would probably hit me in the
mouth……with her car!
After all is said and done I’ve spent 1005 points
on my army and my plan will be to march as
quickly as possible right at Chris with as many
troops as I can and just wade into the fray,
bringing in the Soulflayer for added punch.
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