First Light

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First Light, Twilight (tylko EN pow. 100,000 słów)

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Storyid: 4122574

Name: First Light

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Chapter 1 to 24




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Chapter: 1



First Light


Author’s Note/Disclaimer: I’m not the only one out there that has thought about what it would have been like if Twilight had happened to me, at least I hope I’m not the only one!


Obviously, the Twilight series and its characters are a product of Stephenie Meyers, not me. I just couldn’t bring myself to use Bella’s name, seeing as how my main character is very different. But many of the events to follow are very Twilight


I will try to keep Edward and his family as much in character as possible. Let’s just pretend Twilight didn’t happen, there is no Bella Swan, and the Cullens are trying out college at Whitman University in Walla Walla, WA. So we’re in the Twilight world of vampires and all that jazz, just no Bella. Got it? Good. No more authors notes! (famous last words)


This introduction is meant to give you insight to our main character, Gemma. I know this chapter is a little dull, but it only gets better as you read on! I promise!




Journal Entry #1


Hello Journal. Welcome to my life! I will do my best to keep you updated as I enter into the wonderful world of college! After the hardest year of my life, I am finally on a plane heading across the country to the rainy state of Washington. As you will come to learn from my entries, I have made it a point to get as far away from Maryland as possible. I’d say mission accomplished! I figured I’d try and pass some time on the trip to introduce myself and gather some of my thoughts before I start my life over again. I am determined to start anew. I think I’ve read someplace that in order to move on, it sometimes helps to work out your issues by talking to someone. Well, since I don’t have a someone, you’ll have to do. This isn’t going to be pretty, so I’ll ease you into it. I’ll start with the necessary background info first…


We were a statistic, the perfect four-person family; mom, dad, two kids. The only keeping us from being the perfect TV family was that the two kids were two girls instead of the older brother and younger sister combo. I grew up loving my family, loving the comfort of it all, the safety of having a great mom and dad that clearly loved us, and sister that I would never understand. I would look around at all the other kids my age and feel bad when they said that their parents were divorced, or whatever over dramatized family conflict they had. I always felt lucky. I had the perfect family. I was pretty much a tom-boy from the beginning. I always knew I was different; I looked different from all the other kids at school. My mom was Japanese and my dad was very Irish, leaving me with slightly asian eyes, hair that was very thick and a deep brown, and eyes somewhere between green and brown. I was never one of those girls with lots of other girl friends; I was the one the corner that all the other kids made fun of. Don’t throw me a pity party just yet, yeah it was rough, but I always had my dad. Any time I was teased, I would always come home and my dad would make it all better. He was the one that told me different was beautiful, and that one day the rest of the world would realize that. Of course, when you’re a little kid, you believe anything that you parents tell you. As I grew up, my skin got thicker, and I learned to ignore the stares and just do my own thing. I was never popular, but I always managed to find a couple of people to call friends. But they never really knew me. I pride myself on that fact.


My dad was my best friend; we did everything together. He was probably quite the catch in his day, 6 foot tall, athletic, light brown hair that was closer to blonde when he was younger, with electric blue eyes. I was daddy’s little girl. Even now, I can still smile thinking about all of the great times we had together when I was little. I can remember car rides to the park listening to music, singing along with words I didn’t understand, swinging my legs along with the beat before I even knew what I was doing. He loved music. I think it was one of the great regrets of his life that he never pursued music further. I, of course, was his way of redeeming this particular regret. We would go into the basement, and he would turn on recordings of Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, and I would stand there and conduct the orchestra blaring through the speakers. When we weren’t listening to music, we were at lacrosse games, or softball practice. I loved playing sports, running around, releasing that energy, being a part of a team. I can almost laugh thinking of all the times my dad tried to coach, even though he didn’t really know all the rules or how to run the team. I know he did it out of love, another way to connect with me. He really was a great dad.


My mom, she was a different creature all together. Her petite frame barely hit 4’ 11.” She had the thick jet, black Japanese hair that I always wished I had. Her face was round, with gentle features that fit her gentle heart. I never connected with her in the same way I did with my dad. She was always there, the perfect mom, ready to spring to action if needed. I feel like, even now, I don’t know who she really is. Her love for us was all consuming, so much so that she lost sight of who she was. Unconditional love, a phrase that I find in many books and movies, but a phrase that I think most don’t understand. Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t think anyone can fully understand the double meaning of unconditional love until they’ve met my mom. Every ounce of her being was dedicated to taking care of her family, meeting our needs. You wouldn’t think this was a bad thing, but believe me it is. As I grew older, I realized she had no sense of self. She couldn’t make a decision about anything without consulting someone else first. No exaggeration. I think this is what made me so determined to be independent in every way possible. I made a vow, years ago, that I would never lose sight of who I was, that I would be able to take care of myself no matter what happened in my life.


My sister. All I can say at this point is that as an older sister, I pretty much failed. I’ve seen home movies of the two of us dancing around, and it is clear that the girl in the movies loved her sister, and they had fun together, but I can only guess because I have no memory of those happy times. I can remember her being so quiet and reserved, which contrasted sharply with my outgoing personality (at the time). As far as I remember, we never really got along. I think mostly because she just didn’t talk much, to anyone. It’s hard to know someone when they never talk to you, even if it is your sister. As she grew older, I just new something wasn’t right about her. She was still so reclusive, always in her room, reading books. Another issue that developed, as she got older, she became an insomniac. My parents would trade off sitting up with her at night. They seemed to think that it was something that she would just grow out of. I knew it was more than that. How? I’m going to chalk it up to sisterly instinct. But this is where I ultimately failed her. I trusted my parents too much, so I never spoke up. I never spoke my fears that something more was wrong. Over the years, either her insomnia got better, or she just got better at hiding it from my parents, they eased off of her and life went on.


It wasn’t until my junior year of high school, her freshman year, that things really started to get scary. I was deeply entrenched in the band program at the school, and a member of the varsity lacrosse team. I tried my best to keep an eye on my sister, but it was hard with all the after school practices. Being me, I was always too immersed in homework, practicing my oboe, or working out for lacrosse to have really good friends, or hang out with people. At school, I would socialize, I wasn’t really an outcast, but those friendships never seemed to extend beyond the school property. I enjoyed my privacy, I never really felt like I was missing out on anything. I scoffed at the kids that would come in Monday morning with stories of drunken weekends that usually ended up with regretful hook-ups. I prided myself on being different, and not getting caught up in the typical mistakes that high school kids make. I think my friends realized that I wasn’t into that life, and they gave me my space, I was never invited to those parties, and I never minded.


My sister was my opposite in high school. She never joined the band, didn’t play any sports, but she was definitely into the social aspect of high school. She was definitely the pretty one between the two of us. She was graced with my dad’s lean frame, a statuesque 5’ 7”, with long legs that had all the guys’ attention. I, naturally, was stuck at barely 5’2” thanks to my mom. Her hair was a lighter honey brown, and her eyes matched her hair also being a golden honey color. Yeah, she had some asian features like I did, but they only heightened her beauty, giving her an exotic look. Okay, so yeah, I was a little jealous, but I never let it get to me. I didn’t have the time for a boyfriend, I felt like my life was pretty complete. I certainly didn’t need a boy to make me feel complete! But my sister seemed to have a revolving door for all of the boys that she dated. We never talked, never had the girlie, sisterly chats about boys. I didn’t think much of it, we never talked before, why would this be any different? We lived in two different worlds; she was my opposite in almost every way. She did okay in school, while I was sort of a nerd. My only redeeming quality, as it mattered to stupid high schoolers, was the fact that I played a varsity sport. I just didn’t make sense to anyone, I was a band geek that had a 4.0 GPA, but I was also kind of a jock because I played a varsity sport. Not my sister. Even as a freshman, everyone seemed to pick up on her social status and gravitate towards her general direction. I never understood how she was so comfortable with all the attention, but still be so quiet.


I really should have been paying better attention to her, but she was never in the same social circles in school, and she was always out with friends when I came home. My parents didn’t seem to worry about the fact that she was always out late. I think they were just glad that one of their kids was having a normal high school experience with friends and a social life outside of school. By the end of her freshman year, she was even more distant. I never saw her, even in school. Determined to be financially dependent when it came time for college, I found a summer job working in Baltimore City. It paid well, but the commute wasn’t easy and the hours were long. Because my sister was still too young to drive, my parents wouldn’t let my sister get a summer job. So while the rest of us worked all summer, my sister was left alone to hang out with friends. I want to be mad at my parents, I want to blame all of this on them, but how was I supposed to know? I was still trapped in the illusion of our perfect family; I always figured that all that bad stuff happened to everyone else, not us, not our family. I couldn’t have been more wrong. It turns out the bad stuff happens to you, and closing your eyes doesn’t make it go away. I saw so little of my family that summer; it was hard to notice that anything was wrong. If I had just paid attention, I would have noticed that my sister was wasting away before my eyes, I would have seen my parents becoming more distant; I would have seen my family falling apart. I want to believe that if I had known, I would have done something to make it better, but even now I can see that nothing I could have done would bring my family back.


Well, that’s all for now, the plane is getting ready to land, and quite honestly, I don’t think I can think about this anymore. Sometimes it gets hard to breathe, like there is this big weight on my chest if I get too emotional. I’ve spent the summer reigning in my emotions and I’ve pretty much gotten them under control. It’s only when I think about the past too much that I can feel my control slipping. So, I’m going to stop here for now. I’ll try my best to get back to it once I’ve settled in.


‘Great, now I’m lying to my journal.’ I thought as the seatbelt sign came back on. ‘Oh well, not like its going to get mad at me and threaten to not be my friend anymore when it finds out that I have no intention of writing in it anymore.’ I smiled at my silly thoughts as I placed the journal and my pen back in my carry-on. The flight attendant chose that moment to remind me to turn off my iPod for the descent. I mentally cursed at her overdone make up and fake smile as I gave her the best fake smile I could muster up while slowly removing my headphones and making a show of wrapping them up. When she glared at me before moving onto the next passenger, I smirked at her response. As soon as she was out of view, I put my headphones back on and lost myself in the sounds of Muse. I closed my eyes and waited for the plane to pull into the terminal, and for my new life to begin.




If you’ve read this far, you might as well review! If you have ideas on how to spice up the intro, I am open to them. It seems that people read this, but don’t read on. If you’re one of those people, tell me why! This is my first attempt at fan fiction, and suggestions are welcome!



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Chapter: 2



Chapter One – Settling In


I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath, breathing in my new existence. ‘I have arrived,’ I thought with a smirk, ‘Walla Walla.’ I let out an audible giggle at the name of my new home. ‘Who names a city Walla Walla?’ I opened my eyes with that thought and took in my surroundings. I felt my emotions starting to swell at the sight of the college campus, people bustling with the excitement of a new semester. I took another deep breath as I reeled in the excitement that was threatening to unravel my control. I looked down at my campus map to get my bearings. I looked up again to double check where I stood on the map. As I looked back down to start mapping out my route to my dorm, I was brought out of my thoughts by someone who was entirely too chipper.


“Hey! You must be new on campus!” I looked up and smirked in response to his over eager smile. “I’m Mike, Mike Newton.” He extended what I’m sure what was a sweaty hand, while he swept his other hand through his greasy blonde hair.


I kept the map secure in both my hands, not wanting to shake his hand, and politely responded, “I’m Gemma, Gemma Scott.”


“Did you need any help?” Poor guy, he made the fatal mistake of offering me help. ‘Way to be a stereotypical boy! Thinking, poor little girl, she probably needs help. Oh, those bags must be too heavy for her.’ I took a quick breath before answering. He didn’t know me, I’m sure it was a genuine offer. ‘Be nice Gemma!’


I tried to turn my smirk into a smile, and tried to let him down easy. “No thanks, I’d like to try and find my way on my own. But thanks for the offer!” I tried to seem chipper, hoping he would leave me alone.


“Are you sure? That suitcase looks pretty heavy. I don’t mind, really!” Okay, this kid is way too eager to help out.


“Thank you for the offer. But I carried it this far on my own, I can manage the rest of the way on my own too. But thanks, really.” I tried to give him a wide smile that said, thanks but no thanks. But the look on his face made it clear he wasn’t taking no for an answer.


“Really, I insist. I’m sure you could manage it on your own, but it will be fun! I can give you a little tour! Which dorm are you assigned to?” He didn’t even let me try to reject his offer again as he reached around me and grabbed the handle of my suitcase.


“Jewett Hall.” I went to look down at my map again, but he snatched it from my hands and stuffed it in one of his pockets.


“You don’t need that, I’ll show you!” He had a smug smile on his face as he turned in what I presumed to be the direction of Jewett Hall. “It’s on the other side of campus. It’s a good think you let me help you with your suitcase, it’s quite a hike.” Inwardly I corrected him on the part where I let him help me, it was not my idea at all. But he just continued prattling on about the different buildings we passed, never letting me get a word in. I just tuned him out as I took a look at my surroundings. The pictures on the website didn’t do this place justice! Some of the buildings were older, but that only added to their character. It was a small campus, relatively speaking, but that’s one of the things I liked about this school. I smiled thinking about how I would make a point of exploring the campus on my own in the coming days. I was caught up people watching, when I noticed that we had stopped moving.


“Here we are!” I looked up to see Mike beaming at me like he just uncovered the holly grail.


“Thanks Mike, I can take it from here.” I went to reach for my suitcase, but he moved it out of reach, seemingly not done blessing me with his presence.


“No, I insist. I’ve taken you this far, might as well let me help you get this up to your room. Which floor are you on?”


I tried to stifle my groan. “The third floor, room 311.” Thankfully, without another word, Mike grabbed my suitcase and began the ascent to the third floor. Mike headed in the direction of my room, while I found my way the resident assistant’s room to check in. I didn’t have to go far, it was the room right next to the stairwell. The door was propped open with the sounds of Beyonce floating out into the hallway. When my knocking went unanswered, I ventured further into the room.


“Hello?” I tried to speak up over the music without yelling. I almost fell back when she jumped up from her bed. As she stepped over to the stereo to turn down the music I took in her appearance. He had very curly brown hair that fell just beyond her shoulders. She was dressed in jeans that were way too tight and a t-shirt announcing her status as a resident assistant. The walls of her room were plastered with posters of today’s pop artists. I cringed just thinking about the kind of music that would be pumping out of this room all semester. I tried to quickly recompose my face, to hide all signs of irritation as she turned around to introduce herself.


“Hi! I’m Jessica.”


“Gemma Scott, room 311.” I tried to keep it short and concise, seeing as how Mike was probably still standing in front of my room.


“Oh, right!” It almost sounded like she forgot why I would be standing in her doorway introducing myself. “Welcome! Let me show you to your room. Here is a packet of welcome stuff, you’ll find the keys to your room and the dorm in there too.” I stepped aside as she handed me the packet and headed towards my room. “So, where are you from?” I grimaced at her attempt at small talk, but quickly composed myself.


“Maryland.” I really didn’t want to get into it. My past is not something that I considered small talk material. Plus, something about her just screamed gossip.


“Wow! You’re a far way from home! Homesick yet?” Something about her tone seemed condescending, and it was making me angry. How can she spring an attitude on me after meeting me just minutes ago?


“Actually, I’m kind of excited to be getting out on my own.” She seemed to pick up on my unwillingness to play her game and I noticed a change in her pace as she nodded her head. Thankfully, or not, we arrived at my door, and sure enough, there was Mike standing at attention guarding my suitcase. I had to smile at the sight. He was taking his job way too seriously.


“Hey Mike, thanks for watching my suitcase for me.” He smiled at our approach, and stepped aside to let Jessica unlock the door for me. I noticed him eyeing Jessica and decided I’d much rather he focus his attention on her than me. “This is Jessica, my RA.”


“Hi, I’m Mike, Mike Newton.” He extended his hand to her, just like he did to me earlier, only this time he got the response he was hoping for.


“Hi, nice to meet you. I’m Jessica, but you knew that already.” It was funny to watch. I could see Jessica’s cheeks blush a little as she shook his hand. Mike’s chest puffed out a little, clearly pleased that he had affected a member of the opposite sex. I almost hated to end the moment…almost. I cleared my throat, only slightly perturbed that I was still standing in the hallway, being blocked by the two of them. “Oh… right… um…Emma?”


“Gemma” I corrected.


“Right, Gemma, let me know if you need anything. Your roommate should be here either today or tomorrow.” She shuffled out of the room, with Mike close behind her. I let out a breath of relief now that Mike had zeroed in on another target, and I considered myself safe from any more of his advances.


“Well Gemma, it was nice to meet you. Here’s my number, I’m in Douglas Hall.” Apparently he wasn’t so easy to get rid of. “We should hang out sometime. We plan on having some pretty sweet parties in our suite this year!” He eyed me hopefully before turning to Jessica and giving her the same info. I guess he was taking the more the merrier approach.


Thankfully, I was finally left alone to unpack after Mike and Jessica went back to her room to get acquainted. I closed the door behind them, longing for a little peace and quiet to collect my thoughts. I had no idea who my roommate would be, since I didn’t know anyone, I just signed up to be randomly assigned someone. The room was small, but what else do you expect of a freshman college room? It was kind of cool the way all the furniture was built into the walls. Granted, it left little to the imagination in terms of decorating and room arrangement, but that suited me just fine. I could hear a constant drum of noise out in the hallway as people arrived, found their rooms and began the process of moving in. For a brief moment, I felt a slight twinge as I realized just how alone I was. But I quickly took control and focused on the task of moving in. I decided to take ownership of the left side of the room and threw my suitcase on my bed, which looked more like a couch. I tossed my backpack up on the bed next to my suitcase just as the door opened. I really hope this is my roommate and not Jessica again.


“Oh, Hi! Sorry to barge in, I didn’t realize you had arrived yet!” Nope, not Jessica. “I’m Angela Webber! And it looks like I’m your roommate!”


“Gemma Scott, nice to meet you.” I liked her already. She had a kind face, and her posture and mannerisms reminded me of a mouse. She had her family in tow, and a boy that I assumed to be her boyfriend. I made a mental note to discuss that later.


“These are my parents,” I nodded in their general direction, “and this is Ben, my boyfriend.” I smiled and nodded in his direction. After the introductions, I decided to refocus on unpacking. I wasn’t prepared for the wave of emotion that came over me as I watched them be a family. Luckily, they seemed too swept up in their own emotions to think twice of me. I ran out of things to do, so I turned to watch as Angela’s family helped her settle in. Once I regained control, it was actually amusing to watch. Angela looked flustered as her mom fluttered about, making her bed and bouncing back and forth trying to make sure everything was set up for her daughter. Her dad and Ben seemed to hang back toward the door, clearly not as comfortable with the more domestic tasks. I guess they figured they were only there for the heavy lifting. Angela seemed to notice me watching, and seemed glad to have a diversion from her family for a moment.


“Where are you from, Gemma?”



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