Fearless 2009 (czerwiec 28)

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Fearless 2009 (czerwiec 28), 1.PPWF, PPV

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Kamera przenosi nas na totalnie ciemną halę, po paru sekundach jednak rozjaśniają ją tony fajerwerków strzelających skąd się da! Zapalają się światła i widzimy, że jest wypełniona do granic możliwości!!!


(JS) : Witamy na pierwszym w historii Fearless PPV!!!

(MA) : O tak, co za wieczór nas dzisiaj czeka!!! Jeśli myślicie, że po tej gali dacie radę zasnąć to lepiej już teraz wyprowadźcie się z błędu!

(JS) : Święta racja, czekają nas dzisiaj takie emocje, że nawet nie da się tego opisać!

(MA) : A co przed nami?

(JS) : Mnóstwo wspaniałych walk! Ale po kolei : ze strony RoD zaczniemy od 2 on 1 Handicap matchu, w którym Alex Damon zmierzy się z The Polish Killerem i Wookrashem!

(MA) : Później czekają nas dwie hardcore’owe walki, po których można się spodziewać dosłownie WSZYSTKIEGO!

(JS) : O tak, w pierwszej kolejności zobaczymy Extreme Rules match pomiędzy Johnny’m McMoney’em i Hanibalem…

(MA) : …a następnie czeka nas Last Man Standing match, w którym michu619 zmierzy się z The Wallem!

(JS) : A na koniec dwie walki o pasy! Siwyyy będzie bronił swojego Cruiserweight Championship w walce z Begihitem, zaś PPWF Championship zostanie postawione na szali w walce SKF’a z Tomem_dopalaczem!

(MA) : Co tu dużo mówić - jeśli znasz kogoś, kto nie siedzi teraz z wypiekami na twarzy przed telewizorem - dzwońcie do niego po straci najwspanialszą rzecz jaka mogła go spotkać w tym miesiącu!!!


Również i my witamy na dzisiejszej gali PPV - Fearless!!!

A witają was...

...Blair Rhodes...

...i Bobby Cool!

Dzisiaj z brandu Afterburn zobaczymy trzy walki, między innymi Stable Elimination Match pomiędzy Coca-Cola Drinkersami a Clear Soulsami...

...i rewanż z poprzedniej gali, pojedynek No DQ pomiędzy nowym mistrzem - Picią Mysterio, a Wolfstarkiem!!!

Ale to czeka nas później, teraz oddajemy głos komentatorom IHP!


(TJ): Witamy was serdecznie. Po zapoznaniu się z walkami Afterburn i RoD czas poznać nasze walki, a one zapowiadają się równie emocjonująco.

(KW): Na pewno wiele emocji przyniesie nam LMS Match pomiędzy Zbyszkiem i Mr. Matthew.

(TJ): Zobaczymy też walkę o pasy drużynowe pomiędzy zwycięzcami turnieju - PBFH a Pie Ninjas, którzy te pasy posiadają.

(KW): Zaś po tym czekają nas najciekawsze walki. Najpierw  Unsanctioned Tag Team Last Blood Match pomiędzy AoF i Attitude!

(TJ): Zaś zaraz po tym walka wieczoru, czyli pojedynek o pas Heavyweight pomiędzy mistrzem Lukasem I Voodoo, a będzie to Casket Match!

(KW): Teraz jednak czeka nas pierwsza walka na gali i to prosto od IHP, a będzie to Lumberjack Match pomiędzy Mr. Mateuszkiem, a Basketball Kidem! Osobami poza ringiem będą członkowie drużyn MT i A-MT.

(TJ): Wszyscy myśleliśmy, że zobaczymy walkę 3 vs 3, jednak Mateuszek powiedział, że ma dość walk w drużynie i chce pokazać indywidualne umiejętności!

(KW): Co by nie mówić, zachowanie podobne do Teh Game’a, który po ostatnim PPV odszedł z MT. Czyżby to samo miało się stać z Mateuszkiem? Zobaczymy już wkrótce.





Amy: "The following contest is a Lumberjack Match!"
Amy: "Introducing first, mr.mateuszek"!


“Do you wanna ride on the nana banana?

Boom Boom zoom Chika Chika

Come take a ride on the nana Banana uh

Boom Boom boom um Chika Chika...”

A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler�s greatest victories and most powerful moves
mr.mateuszek makes his way to the ring
robi kickflipa i jezdzie na manualu ,gdy jest na ringu rzuca deska w widownie
Amy: "and his opponent, Basketball Kid"!


"Po pierwsze robię taki wjazd ze wszyscy robią hałas

Po drugie jak się komuś nie podoba niech spierdala

Po trzecie to ten track jest po to by z nóg zwalał

A po czwarte fake nie żyje


A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler�s greatest victories and most powerful moves
Sparks are showering
Basketball Kid makes his way to the ring
driving a flaming red Ferrari 360 Modena
with his lover who kisses him burning with passion
Four lightnings hit the ringposts


Po tym na ring wchodzą “Lumberjacki ;P”. Po jednej stronie ringu MT, a po drugiej A-MT. Oczywiście co chwilę sobie grożą, pokazują, żeby nie próbowali sztuczek itp.

mr.mateuszek gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!
mr.mateuszek gets next to Basketball Kid bringing down an arm
and hits him with the forearm executing an light European Uppercut!!
[Special Pinning Resistance activated for mr.mateuszek]
mr.mateuszek turns giving his shouldres to the adversary
to hit him with a light Mule Kick there in his "secret"!!!
mr.mateuszek grabs Basketball Kid's head
forcing Basketball Kid to dive onto his head with a light DDT!!

mr.mateuszek places a leg beneath his rival's neck, lying in front of him
and closes the triangle placing the other one under his arm, choking him with a light Triangle Choke!!
mr.mateuszek keeps his excruciating submission hold
mr.mateuszek keeps his excruciating submission hold
mr.mateuszek releases his grasp
mr.mateuszek pulls Basketball Kid still groggy, by his hair
mr.mateuszek puts his head under Basketball Kid's arm
using his own back as a bridge, he makes him fall back with a light Northern Light Suplex!!
mr.mateuszek grabs Basketball Kid's hair
mr.mateuszek grabs one Basketball Kid 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
mr.mateuszek bounces against the ropes and runs toward Basketball Kid
and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!!
Basketball Kid pulls himself together and fights back
Basketball Kid gets ready to hit mr.mateuszek
and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a light European Uppercut!!
Basketball Kid turns against the adversary
to hit him with a violent Mule Kick there in his "secret"!!!
Basketball Kid places mr.mateuszek's head between his legs and hooks his arms
dropping him to the mat face first performing a devastating Double Underhook Piledriver!!
Basketball Kid grabs mr.mateuszek's hair
Basketball Kid grabs one mr.mateuszek 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Basketball Kid stretches in flight with his feet held togheter
mr.mateuszek bends, dodging the Dropsault and taking the initiative
mr.mateuszek bounces against the ropes and runs toward Basketball Kid
and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!!
mr.mateuszek grabs Basketball Kid's hair
mr.mateuszek grabs one Basketball Kid 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
mr.mateuszek jumps onto his opponent with his feet held togheter
and hits him with a strong Dropsault, spinning in the air before falling down to the mat!!
mr.mateuszek places a leg beneath his rival's neck, lying in front of him
then he places the other one beneath his rival's arm closing the triangle with a light Triangle Choke!!
mr.mateuszek keeps his agonizing submission hold
mr.mateuszek keeps his ruthless submission hold
mr.mateuszek releases his grasp
mr.mateuszek grabs Basketball Kid's hair
mr.mateuszek and lunges himself on the ropes
mr.mateuszek awaits his running opponent and spins in a circle
to gain strength hitting Basketball Kid with his extended arm, performing a strong Discus Clothesline!!
Basketball Kid interrupts his opponent attacks sequence
Basketball Kid approaches his rival loading his arm
mr.mateuszek droops quickly dodging a Throat Thrust
mr.mateuszek open his arms ready to hit Basketball Kid
and strikes Basketball Kid's face with both hands performing a light Mongolian Chop!!
mr.mateuszek tries to hit his opponent with a punch, but he apparently fails
and hits him with a light Elbow Smash instead!!
[Special Increased Pinning activated for mr.mateuszek]
mr.mateuszek kicks Basketball Kid's belly
then slams his shoulder into Basketball Kids head, performing a light Chop Breaker!!
[Special Submission Defence activated for mr.mateuszek]
mr.mateuszek grabs his opponent's arm while he's laying on his back
and then capsizes his rival's body while pulling his arm, performing a light Strangle Hold!!
mr.mateuszek keeps his excruciating submission hold
mr.mateuszek keeps his weak submission hold
mr.mateuszek releases his grasp
Basketball Kid interrupts his opponent attacks sequence
Basketball Kid gets ready to hit mr.mateuszek
and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a light European Uppercut!!
Basketball Kid turns giving his shouldres to the adversary
and hits hime with a light Mule Kick on the groin!!
Basketball Kid grabs his opponent, and lifts him as easily as he was a feather!
and then slams him on the mat, after having his head spinning away from him, with a devastating Snap Powerbomb!!
Basketball Kid grabs the grounded opponent's feet
and falls backward throwing him to the turnbuckle with a strong Rocket Launcher!!
Basketball Kid grabs his opponent and lifts him on the shoulder
and slams him performing an devastating Oklahoma Slam!!
Basketball Kid grabs mr.mateuszek's hair
Basketball Kid grabs one mr.mateuszek 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well
Basketball Kid hooks mr.mateuszek from behind
and attempts a pinfall with a light Backslide Pin!!
Referee starts counting...
mr.mateuszek gets up and resolutely fights back
mr.mateuszek open his arms
Basketball Kid moves to the side and he avoids a Mongolian Chop, taking back the initiative
Basketball Kid open his arms ready to hit mr.mateuszek
and strikes mr.mateuszek's face with both hands performing a violent Mongolian Chop!!
Basketball Kid turns giving his shouldres to the adversary
and hits hime with a strong Mule Kick on the groin!!
Basketball Kid lifts the adversary putting him upside-down
making him hit his head performing a HardCore Kiss To Feet!!
[Special Damage activated for mr.mateuszek]
[Special Initiative activated for mr.mateuszek]
Basketball Kid grabs mr.mateuszek's hair
Basketball Kid grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes
Basketball Kid runs toward mr.mateuszek and leaps
hitting him with his own body pinning him with a strong Running Crossbody!!
Referee starts counting...
mr.mateuszek kicks out
Basketball Kid grabs the grounded opponent's feet
and falls backward throwing him to the turnbuckle with a violent Rocket Launcher!!
Basketball Kid lifts up mr.mateuszek grabbing him at the throat with both hands
chokes him and throws him back down the mat while falling forward with a HardCore Nightmare On Osada!!


Mateuszek naprawdę źle wygląda. BBK dominuje i nie daje mu szans! Członkowie MT są strasznie wkurzeni i starają się coś wykombinować, dlatego Damianno wchodzi na róg ringu. Od razu zauważa to sędzia i zaczyna go upominać. W tym czasie na ring wchodzi BigWW, lecz zaraz za nim wbiegają Bilu i Ptyś. BBK puszcza Mateuszka i pomaga kolegą. W trzech bez problemowo wywalają BigWW, a następnie razem atakują Mateuszka! Damianno zaczyna się coraz bardziej rzucać i pokazywać sędziemu, że tamci grają nieczysto. W końcu gdy A-MT puszcza Mateuszka, a osoby które niepowinny być na ringu wychodza sędzia patrzy co się dzieje na ringu. Damianno  jest jednak tak wkurzony, że wybiega za pleców sędziego i wykonuje Suicide Dive na Ptysia i Bila!!!

Basketball Kid grabs mr.mateuszek's hair
Basketball Kid kicks mr.mateuszek bending him forward, places mr.mateuszek's head between his legs and hooks his arms
and hooking his arms drops him to the mat face first with a devastating Double Underhook Piledriver!!
mr.mateuszek pulls himself together and fights back
mr.mateuszek gets ready to hit Basketball Kid
and hits him with the forearm executing an light European Uppercut!!
mr.mateuszek leaps toward the opponent
Basketball Kid doges the a Bicycle Kick, taking the initiative
Basketball Kid lifts up mr.mateuszek grabbing him at the throat with both hands
and slams him to the mat while falling forward, performing a devastating Nightmare On Osada!!
Basketball Kid is about to perform his taunt
mr.mateuszek capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!
catching Basketball Kid off guard!
mr.mateuszek blocks Basketball Kid's head under the arm
and quickly turns himself making Basketball Kid's face slam on the ground connecting with a Mortal Los Mrocz-kolos!!

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