Fast Growing Trees

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Fast Growing Trees, permaculture

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Agricultural Extension Service
The University of Tennessee
SP 616
Fastċ rowing Trees
Wa yne K. Clatterbuck
Forestry, Wildlife & Fisheries
Many homeowners desire shade from large trees
to provide some degree of cooling during hot summer
days. Often, new buildings and developed properties
on former agricultural land are devoid of shade trees.
In other cases, large trees that have provided shade
for years have declined, been damaged in storms and
other weather events and eventually have died and
been removed. Owners often prefer a source of shade
quickly for their homes and properties. Fast-growing
trees could be the answer. However, there are some
inherent problems with fast-growing trees that should
be considered.
Fast-growing trees usually have weak and brit-
tle wood that tends to break and create maintenance
problems during wind and ice storms. The junctions
of branches with the trunk of the tree are usually weak
points where branches break. Once branches break at
these major junctions, much of the tree crown is lost
and the tree has difÜ culty healing from the damage.
These trees are often so badly damaged and unsightly
that it is best to replace them.
Fast-growing trees are normally short-lived.
Shade will be provided quickly and may last for several
decades. However, these trees usually mature within
20 to 30 years and then begin to decline. The shade,
even though provided quickly, will not be sustained
over a long period.
Fast-growing trees usually become large trees
and require a large amount of growing space, both
above and below ground. For many properties, these
trees expand beyond their current environment, re-
sources and available space. Once the tree no longer
has the space or resources for further growth, the tree
begins to decline. Often the space available for these
trees is limited because of poor placement choices.
Make sure that the right tree is planted in the right
Bradford pear with its large heavy limbs
easily splits during wind storms.
Weak branch ju nctions with the trunk
of a Bradford pear tree.
Associate Professor
place. Refer to UT Extension publication SP 511,
Plant the Right Tree in the Right Place
, for further
Although fast-growing trees may be desirable
as a quicker source of shade, most of these trees have
inherent problems that will increase both their mainte-
nance and costs for the long term. The following table
lists several fast-growing trees that can be grown to
satisfy a shading objective, but also suggests prob-
lems that homeowners should consider before select-
ing the tree.
Everyone desires the beauty of trees and the shade
that they provide, but potential problems that are in-
herent with fast-growing trees are often overlooked.
Assess the qualities of each of these trees and weigh
whether their short-term faster growth is acceptable
when compared to their potential problems.
Fast- Growing Trees
Botanical &
Common Name
Concerns and Items of Interest
Acer saccharinum
silver maple
Short bole (trunk) and quickly branching crown; early rapid growth; often called soft or water maple;
susceptible to ice and wind damage with its brittle wood; produces a multitude of seed; branches often
droop, requiring pruning.
X Cupressocyparis leylandii
Leland cypress
Rapidly growing, non-native tree often outgrows space provided; requires regular pruning; three canker
diseases have been documented in TN; susceptible to defoliation from bagworms.
Often lacks a dominant terminal leader, leading to wide crowns. Opposite branching pattern makes ash
susceptible to ice and wind damage. Not as fast-growing compared to other trees.
Liquidambar styraciÝ ua
Produces fruiting structures (sweetgum balls) that profusely litter the ground and are considered unde-
sirable by some. Roots tend to stay near the surface of the soil and tend to root sprout. Recommended
for fall color; easily adapts to most sites.
Liriodendron tulipifera
Fast-growing, large size and weak wood. Requires large amount of growing space. Very susceptible to
ice, sleet and glaze storms. The state tree in Tennessee.
Pinus strobus
eastern white pine
Large tree that usually exceeds the space provided; will not tolerate extended droughts and extremely
hot temperatures; susceptible to various insects, especially when under stress.
Platanus occidentalis
American sycamore
Large leaves do not decay rapidly; dull-color leaves often shed early in the fall or during late summer
droughts; susceptible to anthracnose disease.
Populus deltoides
eastern cottonwood
and hybrids
One of the largest hardwood trees; is short-lived but the fastest-growing species in the US. Loses leaves
early, in late summer and early fall. Has male and female trees; female trees produce the ÐcottonÑ seed.
Susceptible to numerous insects and diseases. Easily damaged in storms with its weak wood and shal-
low roots.
Pyrus calleryana
Bradford pear
Smaller tree but branches break readily during wind and ice storms, deforming the shape of the tree
crown. Short-lived, usually less than 30 years. Other
pears such as 'Aristocrat' or 'Redspire' with
better form are recommended.
Quercus palustris
pin oak
On alkaline soils, foliar chlorosis (yellowing) occurs; does not self prune readily retaining lower
branches; branches are nearly horizontal, often bending downward; highly vulnerable to ice; retains
brown leaves into the winter; large size often exceeds growing space.
weeping willow
Wood is light and weak; branches easily break; high maintenance because of frequent breakage; short-
lived; wide lateral branching; roots often affect underground water, sewer and septic lines.
SP616-12M-7/03 R12- 4910-034-007-04
The Agricultural Extension Service offers its programs to all eligible persons regardless of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, age, disability or veteran
The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture,and county governments cooperating
in furtherance of Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914.
Agricultural Extension Service
Charles L. Norman, Dean
Printing for this publication was funded by the USDA Forest Service through a grant with the Tennessee Department of Agri-
culture, Division of Forestry. The Trees for Tennessee Landscapes series is sponsored by the Tennessee Urban Forestry Council.
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