First Language Attrition ...

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First Language Attrition (eds.H.W. Selinger& R. M. Vago), Sociolinguistics the most important

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First language attrition
examines linguistic aspects of the attrition or loss of
first language abilities in bilinguals through a collection of studies in
various language groups. The phenomena of attrition are examined at
both the individual bilingual and societal levels.
This volume is divided into three sections: Part I surveys different
aspects of existing empirical evidence to arrive at theoretical generaliz-
ations about language attrition. Part II is comprised of group studies
examining attrition in societal bilingualism or in groups of bilingual in-
dividuals. Part III contains individual case studies of bilingual children
and adults.
The research reported in this text investigates first language attrition in
a variety of linguistic areas, including syntax, morphology, semantics,
phonology, and lexicon, with the following first languages: Spanish,
German, Hebrew, Dyirbal, English, Breton, Dutch, Hungarian,
Russian, French, and Pennsylvania German.
Although there is growing interest in bilingualism, this is the first work
to examine the effects of the acquisition of a second language on linguis-
tic abilities in the hrst language.
First language attrition
First language attrition
Edited by
Queens College and the Graduate Center,
City University of New York
The right of the
University of Cambridge
to print and sell
all manner of books
was granted by
Henry VIII in 1534.
and published continuously
since 1584.
Cambridge University Press
New York Port Chester
Melbourne Sydney
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